Golf Shaft Fitting in Rochdale

Golf Shaft Fitting in RochdaleProfessional golf shaft fitting in Rochdale can improve your game of golf. It may be that your game is not as good as it could be because the golf shaft is not fitted to your height. One size does not fit all when it comes to golf and if you are a serious golfer who wants to improve your game, why not give us a ring.  At Tour X Golf, we specialise in making golf an enjoyable and fun experience.

To improve your golf game in Rochdale, golf shaft fitting is the way to go. Schedule a consultation with one of our professionals for a golf shaft fitting. A session can last up to three hours for a whole set of golf equipment. Custom fitting is the only sure way to better your performance on the field and since we do private fittings, we prefer that our customers set up a meeting with us first so that we can be sure they have sufficient time. During the session, our master club builder will assemble the shafts after the perfect match has been selected. We have a huge collection of golf shafts and heads produced by well-known names, as well as equipment made exclusively for Tour X Golf. The right combination will significantly improve your game and selecting the most suitable combinations takes time and precision.

One of the reasons you should contact Tour X Golf for golf shaft fitting in Rochdale is that each club we have is built to the tightest tolerance which eliminates inconsistencies often found in mass-produced products. You will not be disappointed with your golf clubs once they have been fitted to you. We also provide lessons and coaching by our professionals.